Y'all I started a podcast! Which means I also learned to created a website and now this blog and at least 20 other things ~ all because I don't want to spend money on other people doing it for me, YET. Control issues, I know.
Here is Episode 1. I share a little about me.
Please listen, subscribe rate and review with all 5 stars, of course.
CALLING ALL MIDLIFE WIVES.... are you sitting in a space where you feel stuck unhappy unfulfilled lacking energy and significance? maybe you feel that you’ve lost your spark or you're sitting in a phase of transition don't worry I'm here for you that is why I've created the midlife wife to empower and educate you on how to unlock your mindset rewire the limiting beliefs that you have about yourself, reconnect to your creator and revive your health, mindset and dreams so that you can be fueled feisty and fierce right now right as you are in the life you are leading.
You are so inspiring! Love you and all of the reasonable risks you take! Get it girl!